Corporate News
- Pingtung branch office awarded the "2020 Outstanding Company for Employment of People with Disabilities" by the Pingtung County Government
- Received the Certificate of Appreciation from the "Legislative Yuan on Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)"
- Pingtung branch office awarded the "2019 Outstanding Company for Employment of People with Disabilities" by the Pingtung County Government
- Awarded TOP100 excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility
- Awarded 10th Place of excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility
- 本公司響應政府進用身心障礙政策,並榮獲台北市政府105年度評選「看見能力 就業無限」企業楷模之「最佳躍進」獎項。
- 台灣農林扶幼公益活動,與弱勢兒童共享熊空生態之美
- 本公司通過ISO22000及HACCP國際食品安全雙認證!